Thursday 17 December 2015

Week #8 Dec. 4th-11th Observations 15,16,17.

           This week the students finished viewing the movie "Argo", and Mr.Slubik discussing which aspects of the movie were true, and which were exaggerated or untruthful.  This gave students knowledge on the Iran hostage crisis in 1979, but it also gave them a sense of being a wise consumer of information. Mr. Slubik explained which parts of the crisis were truthfully put into the plot, and then discussed which aspects were far fetched, or exaggerated and pointed out that this frequently happens in pop culture/ propaganda.  The next class the students got their review map for the upcoming unit exam. This map consisted of many aspects revolving around the concept of internationalism. On the third class I observed of the week the students were introduced to their visual essay assignment and were asked to give their opinion on the positives and the negatives on internationalism through a collection of pictures.

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